Distinct Benefits of Eco-friendly Tyre Disposal

A 2022 survey estimated that there were more than a billion vehicles globally. This staggering finding could make you uneasily think about the number of tyres that needed to be eventually disposed of. Where will these tyres end up and what are the methods used for tyre disposal?

It is, certainly, no walk in the park for getting rid of the volume and size of used tyres. Fortunately, tyre disposal using eco-friendly methods has improved in the past decade. Innovative technologies have played an important role in using eco-friendly tyre disposal methods.

With this, recycling tyres should be the first consideration when you need to replace your vehicle’s tyres. You can either get in touch with the waste management office in your local area or take them to a retailer if you can’t think of proper tyre disposal.

The benefits of eco-friendly tyre disposal include:


Prevent tyre fire pollution

Old tyres left lying in empty lots are easy fire targets. Lightning, arson, and accidents are some of the things that can cause tyre fires. The two kinds of tyres that cause irreparable damage to the environment when burned are:

  • Fast-burning tyres that emit toxic elements such as carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide
  • Slow-burning tyres resulting in the release of toxic elements

It is not easy to put out tyre fires. However, letting the tyres burn out also means polluting the environment with large amounts of toxic gasses, soot, and smoke. Throwing dirt over burning tyres will make them continue smouldering underground. Groundwater may get contaminated when using a combination of foaming agents and water to put out the fire.

The best way to avoid tyre fire hazards is to recycle them.


Pest diseases prevention

Not only is it unsightly to see discarded tyres in empty lots, riverbeds, and backyards – they also become homes for disease-carrying insects and rodents. The warmth of the tyres makes them ideal homes for mice, rats, and other household pests.

Humans are especially susceptible to numerous diseases carried by rodents. Life-threatening conditions such as liver damage, meningitis, leptospirosis, kidney failure, and more are caused by rodent urine.

Old tires left lying around the home make them the best breeding ground for mosquitoes. Mosquito eggs find the perfect protection and insulation in old tyres. Eliminating the risks of contracting diseases from pests and rodents is to recycle old tyres.


New product creation

Recycling old tyres turn them into useful products. For industries, old tyres are a good source of getting tyre-derived fuel. The supplemental fuel derived from old tyres is used by paper mills and kiln industries.

Nylon and steel are materials created from old tyres. The rubberised asphalt created from old tyres makes them excellent paving materials. For DIYers, recycling tyres allow them to create outdoor furniture, playground equipment, and garden planters.


A means to save landfill space

Significant space is occupied by the hollow and round shape of old tyres when thrown in landfills. It has been scientifically proven that the rubber material of old tyres could take centuries before decomposing.

Saving landfill space means recycling old tyres than dumping them discriminately. Water pollution is prevented when old tyres are eliminated from landfills. Airspace up to 75% can also be filled with huge amounts of methane gas when old tyres are disposed of in landfills. Recycling old tyres offer the best solution when it comes to protecting the planet.


Contact us for assistance with eco friendly tyre disposal.