The role of maritime brokers

Maritime broker

The maritime broker is the person who professionally practices mediation in contracts for the construction, sale, lease, rental of ships and in contracts for the maritime transport of goods (Article 1 of Law No. 478/1968).

The role of maritime brokers

The role was abolished (Article 75 of Legislative Decree 59/2010). All the regulations governing the activities have not been modified except for the adaptations necessary for the transition from the abolished Role to the Register of Companies / Rea. Therefore, the requirements and incompatibilities provided for by the previous legislation remain in force.

The Interprovincial Role remained in force only for the Special section reserved for public maritime brokers who are authorized to exercise public offices regarding the assignments to preside over public tenders for contracts for construction, sale, leasing and chartering of ships and in contracts of sea ​​transport of things.

How to start the business

To be able to exercise the activity of maritime broker it is necessary:

for the activity of maritime broker not authorized to exercise public offices: have taken an oral exam and have submitted the certified notification of commencement of activity (SCIA) at the Register of Companies of the Province where the activity is carried out;
for the activity of maritime broker authorized to exercise public offices (that is, to preside over public tenders for contracts): having taken a written and oral exam, having submitted an application and having obtained registration in the Special Section of the Maritime Mediators Role. Please note that pursuant to art. 8 of Law 478/68 for registration in Sect. Special must have passed the exam for the Sect. Ordinary.
The professional exercise of maritime mediation without the requisites envisaged by current legislation, when it does not constitute a more serious crime, is punished pursuant to art. 665 of the Criminal Code.